Improve Your Self-Esteem, Transform Your life!

Dr. Harry Henshaw

Enhanced Healing Counseling

Online Counseling Sessions Available.

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Testimonials for Dr. Harry Henshaw


Elizabeth: I am extremely thankful that I was able to locate a therapist like Dr. Harry Henshaw in 2019. I strongly believe that he is unique and has a huge amount to offer even the most jaded client (like me!) Having been involved in various types of therapeutic work and a range of personal development communities throughout my life (I’m now 62), I was at a point where I wanted some new input to help with some issues I was dealing with, but I didn’t want to return to any of the approaches or philosophies I’d engaged with in the past because I felt I’d already got out of them what I could. I needed something else, something new to me. That turned out to be Harry and the work of Louise Hay. It was both refreshing and grounding to talk to Harry and find that we had in common a familiarity with so many methods/approaches/thinkers that I’d studied in the past. He introduced me to some new ones too and re-introduced me to Louise Hay whom I’d learned about in the ‘80s. I found that after I stopped seeing Harry, I am still working to apply the Louise Hay philosophy about loving myself. I think with me there wasn’t going to be a “light switch” awakening event. It’s more like a gradual development, and a seeing of where and how this applies in my life as I go along. One thing that I also really liked about Harry was his position that what ails us is very simple. It’s about self-love. It’s about the fact that our thoughts determine our life experience and our path, and we can choose our thoughts. At a certain point, there’s not a lot more to say. It’s not a great mystery. The challenge is to manifest it. As he said “It’s simple, but not easy.” I agree. Being simple means it’s not complicated, and the information doesn’t unfold ad infinitum. It’s simple and finite. I have to develop my ability to implement and live it. And that’s on me. I am very grateful to Harry and I so enjoyed our conversations – I learned a lot and felt seen and understood. I’m glad that we now have the opportunity to do sessions online, as I’m about to move to England, and I know that if I want to connect in the future, that he will be as accessible to me as when I lived in Miami. I’m very grateful and recommend to anyone looking for illumination in your life, to connect with Harry. You’ll be glad you did.

Shea: I met Dr. Henshaw over 15 years ago. Until that point I had been in and out of rehabs and suffering from depression and anxiety for many years. When I started doing work with him, was the first time I had ever had someone help me with taking responsibility for my life, actions and thinking. I was able to see that through the “work” I could change my thought process and be in control of how I responded to feelings. He also helped me find a deep sense of spirituality that I had never had before. Today, I am able to help, teach and share what I know worked for me and continues to help me navigate through this thing called ” Life”. I would highly recommend Dr. Henshaw!

Marcy: When I started therapy with Harry in 2005 I was in a very dark place feeling hopeless and desperately needing help. I was somewhat aware I had issues with addiction but was clueless why I couldn’t just stop using. I repeatedly found myself in the same situations expecting different results. The one common denominator in all of this? Me. I spent many sessions with Harry complaining and blaming. Over time his intuitive insight, non-reactive nature, stillness and ability to remain consistent, calmed me. He literally responded to my dramas with, “OK.” At first I felt frustrated. I could not get him to agree with me or to react. In time, I became sick of hearing myself tell the same stories over and over. I slowly began to feel what I was saying was no longer congruent with what I was thinking. Old stories weren’t working anymore. Change was taking place within me. I started to see my role in how I hurt others as well as myself. Harry’s lack of reacting to my dramas forced me to take a much closer look at my self-limiting beliefs. One of the first books he introduced me to was Louise Hay’s The Power is Within You. This book changed my life. I began to recognize the connections between her teachings and Harry’s approach. He taught me I no longer have to be a victim of my life – I am the only one responsible for my life! Harry opened the door for me to explore a new truth. One that leaves me feeling empowered and liberated instead of victimized and resentful. It is Harry’s words I go back to, even after fifteen years (and what he continues to teach) that keep me hungry to learn more. He taught me we can literally transform relationships when we transform our thoughts/stories we tell ourselves. Harry continues to do his own inner work and that is why he is an outlier in the field of therapy. He is brilliant, insightful and compassionate and will always be the one who “woke me up to my life!”

Eric: I am so incredibly grateful to have encountered Dr. Harry. While being treated for substance abuse, I was fortunate enough to attend a few group discussions he led. I recall being struck by the simplicity of the concept that perhaps I didn’t truly love myself. I knew I had a problem with drugs and impulsive behavior, but it never occurred to me I didn’t love myself. I once mentioned to Dr. Harry, that I believed I loved myself and was aware of my good qualities. I’ll never forget the impact of his simple statement. “People who love themselves don’t inject poison into their veins.” Such an obvious concept to me now, but at the time it was incredibly eye opening. Upon my completion of treatment I sought Dr. Harry out for private sessions via zoom. I love his approach and style. It doesn’t feel like traditional talk therapy, trudging through my past trauma and dissecting my ego. Instead, it felt like we were working from a playbook; a manual for self love. I did the work and I noticed a change almost immediately. One of the most special things to come out of my experience with Dr. Harry is an audio recording he made that overlays my own voice, speaking positive affirmations of self love with a specific frequency of healing music. I use it as my alarm clock. Each day I wake to my voice reminding me I’m loved and I deserve to experience all good things. What a way to start the day! My experience has been so overwhelmingly uplifting, that I have referred half my social circle and my neighbor to Dr. Harry, and it’s been a blessing to watch the process noticeably improving their lives as well. Dr Harry is a healer. I’m so thankful my heart was open to receiving the message when he showed up in my life.

Justin: Dr. Henshaw has been an incredible guide and mentor. I sought help last year as I had unmanageable anxiety, self esteem issues, and debilitating panic attacks. Dr. Henshaw, inspired by the Louise Hay model of healing, was able to help me have a more understanding and loving relationship with myself. What I thought were problems, weren’t the real issue. The real issue is within and how I thought of myself. I embrace self-love and self-acceptance now. I’m willing to forgive. I feel like a much more confident person with a huge weight off my shoulders. I sincerely thank Dr. Henshaw for taking me on as a client, he helped me to completely retool my brain and way of thinking in a positive direction. As a business owner, I am having my best year ever and finding success where I once found obstacles. I highly recommend Dr. Henshaw and have referred friends to him as well. Thank you for your counsel!”

Lindsey: Hi my name is Lindsey, I am 24 years old and will have 2 years sober on March 5 of 2021.  I don’t know how to put into words my extreme gratitude for Dr. Harry Henshaw but, I will try my best. 

I met Dr. Harry when I was 20 years old in active drug addiction. Although I did not get sober until I was 22, he planted a seed of recovery and responsibility in me. I got sober with Dr. Harry and the group sessions he would hold. This was a group of addicts and alcoholics recovering from our addictions. We got to know each other very well as we spent a year or so meeting multiple times a week… I used to call us “Harry and Friends”. The groups he held are still to this day, the safest place I have ever known. I hope everyone gets to experience camaraderie like that one day. Dr. Harry created a space where I got to make friends for life.

Not only that but, Dr. Harry introduced to Louise Hay, who then introduced me to taking responsibility for my life. Dr. Harry helped me to (1) think more positively, (2) to think thoughts that would benefit me, and (3) to love myself to the best of my abilities. After meeting Dr. Harry and reading Louise Hay, I firmly believe that the thoughts I think create my future, and that what I give out to the Universe I get back. With this knowledge and self awareness I never have to suffer again, and most importantly I never have to drink again. 

Dr. Harry is not only the best doctor in the world but also one of the greatest people I’ve ever known, and truthfully? One of my best friends. He is the only person I know in this industry doing it for the right reasons. I’ve seen him help people who couldn’t afford, I’ve seen him allow people to stay at his facility because they needed a safe space to be, and I’ve seen him give every ounce of his time and resources to help others recover from a hopeless state of mind. 

It is an honor and a privilege to have recovered from Enhanced Healing. I still work with Dr. Harry to this day, and would not have it any other way.  From L with Love 

Katie: “When I first met Harry and Vanessa I felt instant relief and fully supported. I was able to trust them at a time when I was unable to trust myself. During my first session with Harry he said to me that the power was always mine, the choice was always mine, and that I simply didn’t love myself. It was very hard to hear but it was easy for me to believe. He introduced the work of Louise Hay as the foundation of this program and my life, my path, and the way I think about myself have changed completely. Enhanced Healing and their methods and tools, have forever impacted my life. ….”

Caroline: My name is Caroline. My journey began at Enhanced Healing when I was about a month sober from drugs and alcohol. I was apprehensive about doing intensive out patient, because my previous experiences were, well, the typical clinical program of one on one therapy, finding my triggers, looking at family patterns etc. However, after one day at Enhanced Healing I knew they were doing something very different than the rest.

Dr.Harry talked about the power of positivity, and focused on the fact that the center of my issues were my own thinking, and every external factor was a direct result of my skewed perception. We focused on the power of choice. I studied the works of Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Esther Hicks. I kept my mind open , and although at first reluctant, succumbed to the idea that I was in control of my own reality. We watched inspirational and mind-opening films, including The Secret and The Peaceful Warrior. I took notes. I learned to be kind to myself, so that one day I could learn to love myself. I did positive affirmations in the mirror.

What happened during this time at Enhanced, was nothing short of a miraculous internal transformation. I went from a victim, poor me mindset, to an unstoppable force of healing and self-love. This is because I chose to take the suggestions that were given to me and put them to practical use. I believe the work at Enhanced, in combination with a 12 step program, can make any one person feel empowered and whole again, if they so choose.

Fast forward, and I am continuing to expand my knowledge and understanding of reality every day. My spiritual life has unfolded in such a way that it is beyond what can be written through words. I have attracted so much more than internal healing- physical things as well. I got great jobs, formed amazing relationships; I built my life from the ground up. My work an Enhanced was but a beginning, a perspective change. Without it, I would have no idea who I would be today, but I am grateful that my path led me there.

I am grateful beyond words for Dr. Harry Henshaw and Vanessa. They are my family away from home, and I would absolutely put my hand over the fire for them. What they are doing is outside-the-box, innovative and forward thinking. I wish that every suffering soul could have the opportunity to meet and work with them, so they too could learn what is available to everyone if they could open their eyes.

Lisa: Dr. Harry Henshaw and Vanessa Van Dyne, Enhanced Healing Wellness Center are doing the “right things” to help people heal and overcome their past traumas which most likely lead them down the road of addiction and alcoholism as a way to numb out from their pain and suffering. Dr. Harry’s work was instrumental for me in changing the direction of my life when I was broken and lost from dealing with some difficult life adversities. Today I have almost 11 years clean and sober from grasping his suggestions and applying them to my life. You can read through his posts and see the effort and knowledge he has to offer anyone seeking help to change the direction of their lives. Set an intention to start your healing path today and follow through with it. There are plenty of “Good Humans” you can surround yourself with to support, encourage, and motivate you on this journey. You deserve a good life, you deserve love and belonging, and you are worth it.

Johana: On May 15, 2017 I walked into the office of Dr. Harry Henshaw, Enhanced Healing Wellness Center. Desperately searching  for help once again with the hope that this time will be different. Our meeting was brief. I immediately signed on to the program he suggested. I had no idea that this time was going to be different. I am embarked on a six month intensive outpatient program attending Monday through Friday three days a week of group therapy for three hours a day followed by yoga and acupuncture. Two days a week a private session with Dr. Harry Henshaw.  I had never experienced group therapy before. However, I would like to share that that is where I found comfort, understanding, and I learned if I look at myself and what it is that I’m contributing to the situation I will find peace love and harmony in my life. One on one therapy with Dr. Henshaw was amazing as he focused on the works of Louise Hay which have been instrumental in my recovery along with the alcoholics anonymous program. I am now a recovered alcoholic and addict. I will be celebrating two years of sobriety on May 14, 2019 and I must say that Enhanced Healing Dr. Henshaw and his staff Loved me when I could not love my self.  I searched for 53 years for a solution and the solution finally came when I was part of it. Dr. Harry and his staff helped me to see the solution in the most loving kind way. I am forever grateful and thankful to them. Wishing you all a life of happiness freedom and joy. 

Daniel: My name is Daniel and I am a person in long term recovery. I have not used a drug or a drink in nearly 12 years. A large part of my success is my relationship and work with Dr. Harry Henshaw. I started with him as my therapist when I was in treatment in 2007. I have continued seeing him as needed ever since. I believe his understanding of the disease of addiction is unrivaled, and his approach to therapy can help anyone who needs it and is willing to do the work.

He is thoughtful, understanding, and doesn’t sugar coat issues. His care has helped me with way more issues than staying clean. As someone who used many substances for many years, I had a variety of issues. Ultimately, with his help, I realized that the biggest problems I had stemmed from low self-esteem and stories I made up that simply were not true, yet I believed them anyways.

Because of our work together, my life is drastically different than what is used to be. Whereas I had no love in my life and minimal career success; I am now an owner of multiple businesses, happily married, and proud father of 4 children. Getting here was not easy. It did take work on my part. It was not always smooth sailing either. There have been plenty of bumps in this path, yet I was able to plow through with success and not use with Harry’s help. During this time, I have had business failures, insecurities, hurtful losses. Despite that, I avoided drugs and alcohol and lived a great life, and look forward to continuing to do that with Harry’s help.

John: I want to express my eternal gratitude towards the both of you for all you have done for myself, my sobriety and my family.  I have learned more about myself in the last year than the previous 34 years, that is highly profound to me.  It has been a pleasure being part of the enhanced healing family for this year and couldn’t have asked for a better place than with you all.  I will miss the time with you all, my weekly drug tests and of course all of the brothers and sisters I have met along the way.  This group of individuals evolved into a family and such a unique situation of people who have stayed long after IOP standards.  That is something we owe to the both of you having a place where we can go and not operating in the traditional manner because as we know the drugs and drinking are just the surface, its really about……loving oneself and today I can say I have a totally different mindset on that concept.  I still have a lifetime of work ahead of me, know that I am leaving with a great foundation & full toolbox.  Again I thank you and Love you all, really there is no other way to say it.  I knew from the moment I walked in I was in the correct place. Enhanced Healing will always be my go to for others and I will still stop by just to say hi. Thank you for being instrumental parts in my journey this year and I wish you all the best.  If there is ever anything you all need please feel free to reach out anytime as I know I can to you all.  I am here to be of service to ANY person who needs help. 

Stuart: In 2015, I went from detox to Enhanced Healing Wellness Center. I knew something in my life needed to change. At the time, I just didn’t know what it was. From the moment I met Harry and Vanessa, the conversations we had and the suggestions that were given to me allowed me to start to transform my life. As my thinking changed, my life changed. I have continued to participate in groups and one on one counseling at the center which has helped me to continue to grow. Harry and Vanessa were very instrumental in helping me have the life I have today.

Natalie: Enhanced Healing Wellness Center is by far the best experience I’ve had when it comes to any outpatient counseling as well as any inpatient I’ve ever been in. Different, in the best way possible, and if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be free of alcohol and drugs today. You don’t come across too many genuine, kind people that are willing to do anything to help you and even 2 years later I can still call them if I need help in any area in my life. All the negativity that I’ve believed to be true for years and years has been diminished and turned into a positive beautiful life thanks to them and that’s something you can never thank someone enough. 

Halle: My time spent in Miami with Harry was well spent. I learned about Louise Hay, she is the real teacher here. That’s what is so amazing about Harry: he taught me how to discover myself. He taught me how to love myself unconditionally through the teachers he introduced me to and their work around higher consciousness thinking. Recovery brought me to my best and worst times and throughout learning how to live again without the abuse of mind or mood altering substances. It was challenging because it was so unfamiliar, the way I knew how to live is what brought me to live the life of addiction which I even refer to now as self hatred. My low self esteem is what brought me to the use of narcotics because it took me to a place of fear and hatred and solitude; what I learned through Harry’s practice was how to cope with those feelings and even completely remove them which lessened my urge to look for the comfort of narcotics to help my low self esteem. My high self esteem is what I got to look for comfort when my low self esteem started to kick in through practicing loving myself whole heartedly, the true medicine for addiction. The support from the peers and teachers in Fort Lauderdale recovery helped me take the steps for my journey in loving myself and in my life. They were my new foundation. Thank you for my new beginning. Thank you Harry for teaching me gratitude, it always helps me look within when I fall down because I know I will always get back up again.

Melissa: When I first started with Harry and Vanessa, I was not fully on board with their program and had my own obstacles to overcome as a result. As a person with addiction, I thought I knew what was best for me. I felt I could manage getting and staying sober and pushed against them on many things in the beginning. It was very hard for me to submit to their strategy and admit to myself that their method was what I needed.  Their continued support and consistency along with the support of my family, helped me to overcome my own challenges and put me in a mental and physical place of well-being. As a result, I have been able to maintain my sobriety, focus on my future, and learn from my past. They have been instrumental in helping me reaching the steps of my success and I would not be in the place that I am right now without their professionalism and expertise in this field.

Samantha: I saw Dr. Harry Henshaw for my first 1-2 years clean. I would still be seeing him for therapy if I lived closer to his office! He helped me immensely in early recovery. He stressed confidence, self esteem, and self love. He also helped me through many issues I had with my family. I currently run sober living homes, where we have multiple clients that go to Enhanced Healing. The amount of time they spend with each individual is very rare! They have great communication with myself and the house managers, letting us know exactly how the client is doing, when they’re struggling, etc. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with Harry, Vanessa, and Jonathon! The entire team at Enhanced Healing goes above and beyond for their clients!

Brian: Truly an amazing place & a life changing experience. They made me realize that my thoughts and my perception on my life choices where my biggest problems. I’m learning to forgive and except myself and others. I’m learning how to love myself with integrity. I have a new appreciation and gratitude for life. I’m a father of 4 daughters and this treatment is the best decision I’ve EVER made. It has opened my eye’s to a New way to life. My view of the world is much different now. I actually believe and sometimes enjoy when problems and issues show up in my life because I will solve and validate what I’ve learned and still learning. I’m excited and looking forward to living a great life, and I’m blessed today and everyday.

Georgia: My name is Georgia and I was a client at Enhanced Healing in 2016-2017. I didn’t get clean right away, it took me a few years to accept I was an addict, that I could not do this by myself and to finally surrender. Enhanced was that place that I turned to when I needed professional help. Harry and Vanessa and everyone at Enhanced ( shout out to Jonathan and Katie!) were always supportive, always welcomed me back. I ended up with more than professional help, i have friends I know I can count on to these days that still support me in my recovery. Years of active addiction left me without any structure, with little self respect, a damaged self image. I gained a lot of that back thanks to Enhanced, and the program that they run. I had group sessions, discussions about relevant authors and movies, individual therapy, yoga, acupuncture, and lots of support. This is not your typical IOP it’s one of those few places that people really care about helping you get back on your feet. I highly recommend! I’m really grateful to Harry and Vanessa! Love you both!

Janette: I am eternally grateful for my experience with Dr. Harry and Vanessa.  I wouldn’t be sober and living my life intentionally without them.  Dr. Harry’s holistic approach is unconventional, yet surprisingly simple and practical.  He taught me that at the core of my alcoholism is a lack of self-love – that we are what we think – and I needed to change my thinking. Enhanced Healing Wellness Center fosters a great sense of community.  The groups led by Dr. Harry felt safe and supportive.  They introduced me to previous clients who are members in the program, which was very helpful, given that I was more than reluctant in the beginning.   Dr. Harry and Vanessa are part of my recovery family, and although I have moved out of state, I continue to stay in touch with them and visit when I’m in town. 

Sarah: At a moment when I was desperate, devastated and confused I called Vanessa at EHWC. She not only took my call but embraced me on what would be a very tedious and emotional journey. Vanessa and Dr Henshaw are selfless in a very challenging industry. It’s rare. Dr Henshaw is a brilliant man. He brings a very pragmatic and systematic approach to what seems to be one of the most difficult and draining professional practices. He challenged me to take responsibility of my life in a way that was quite difficult at first. What makes EHWC different is their philosophy and unparalleled willingness to help. Dr Henshaw will say “behavior doesn’t lie” however, what makes EHWC stand out is the willingness to truly look at the root of poor behavior and focus on the mechanics of changing those behaviors. It’s hard work. It starts in your mind and as we examine our thoughts, we can change the way we do things. In other words, we can change poor behavior! We all have that ability. That was good news to me. I learned that I wasn’t taking very good care of myself; low and behold my self-worth was in shambles. I had to settle down to hear this and it took time and patience. I learned that to change the way I was thinking would consequently change my behavior if I was committed to do the work. Do yourself a favor an don’t take my word for it. Give EHWC a try for a re-assessment of who you are and where you want to go. Their holistic approach considers all the moving parts of your life. Dr. Henshaw and Vanessa can help you. They helped me and I am eternally grateful.

Schedule Counseling Session with Dr. Harry Henshaw Today!

“What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.”
— You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay