Improve Your Self-Esteem, Transform Your Life


Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in drug addiction, alcohol dependence, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Enhanced Healing Counseling

Online Counseling Sessions available.

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Dr. Harry Henshaw, Ed.D., LMHC

Dr. Harry Henshaw is a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) in Miami, Florida, who provides outpatient assessments, online individual, group, and couples counseling sessions, and a variety of health and healing services for substance use, drug addiction, alcohol dependency, and mental health issues like anxiety, depression, stress, emotional trauma, and low self-esteem.

Dr. Harry Henshaw is a licensed psychotherapist who has worked in mental health and substance use outpatient counseling centers, clinics, residential treatment programs, and inpatient hospitals in Illinois, Massachusetts, and Florida. Dr. Henshaw earned his Human Development and Counseling doctoral degree from Boston University. Dr. Henshaw has been a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC), practicing psychotherapist, and a Certified Clinical Supervisor in Florida for over 38 years. Dr. Henshaw is currently in private practice in Miami, Florida.

Dr. Henshaw believes that having a positive self-image and good self-esteem is essential for anyone who wants to experience a healthy and happy life. Dr. Henshaw also believes that the proper solution to drug addiction, alcohol dependency, substance use issues, and most mental health problems is for a person to learn how to create and experience a positive self-image and good self-esteem and as a result, to authentically love himself just as he is in the present moment.

“How we feel about ourselves crucially affects virtually every aspect of our experience, from the way we function at work, in love, in sex, to the way we operate as parents, to how high in life we are likely to rise. Of all the judgments we pass, none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves. Positive self-esteem is a cardinal requirement for a fulfilling life.”
— How to Raise Your Self Esteem, Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.

In addition to his counseling practice, Dr. Harry Henshaw also utilizes the powerful holistic modalities of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) in the therapeutic services he provides to others in our community and globally. Supplementing his practice and work as a licensed psychotherapist, Dr. Henshaw is also a musician, having had 11 years of piano training as a child and has created a variety of therapeutic relaxation music, sleep music, and positive affirmation recordings that are all utilized in his work as a psychotherapist at Enhanced Healing Counseling. Dr. Henshaw also provides a unique and powerful service of helping individuals create their own individualized positive affirmation recording to assist them in developing a positive self-image and good self-esteem.

Schedule Counseling Session with Dr. Harry Henshaw Today!

“I want to express my eternal gratitude towards the both of you for all you have done for myself, my sobriety and my family. I have learned more about myself in the last year than the previous 34 years, that is highly profound to me. It has been a pleasure being part of the enhanced healing family for this year and couldn’t have asked for a better place than with you all. I will miss the time with you all, my weekly drug tests and of course all of the brothers and sisters I have met along the way. This group of individuals evolved into a family and such a unique situation of people who have stayed long after IOP standards. That is something we owe to the both of you having a place where we can go and not operating in the traditional manner because as we know the drugs and drinking are just the surface, its really about……loving oneself and today I can say I have a totally different mindset on that concept. I still have a lifetime of work ahead of me, know that I am leaving with a great foundation & full toolbox. Again I thank you and Love you all, really there is no other way to say it. I knew from the moment I walked in I was in the correct place. Enhanced Healing will always be my go to for others and I will still stop by just to say hi. Thank you for being instrumental parts in my journey this year and I wish you all the best. If there is ever anything you all need please feel free to reach out anytime as I know I can to you all. I am here to be of service to ANY person who needs help.”
— John
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
— Dr. Wayne Dyer