Improve Self-Esteem, Transform Your Life!
Dr. Harry Henshaw
Counseling assessment and evaluation for addiction and mental health Counseling Services
Get Help Now 305-498-3442
Counseling Assessment
Counseling Assessment and Evaluation for Substance Use, Addiction and Mental Health
Providing the most appropriate and effective counseling services begins with an initial counseling assessment and evaluation. Dr. Harry Henshaw delivers a holistic, outpatient assessment and evaluation to anyone who is motivated to change but struggling with substance use, drug addiction, alcohol dependency problems, and mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, stress, emotional trauma, and low self-esteem.
Your initial counseling assessment will focus on the critical aspects of your life, including your relationships with others, your work situation, your finances, your emotional and physical health, and especially your thoughts and feelings about yourself, your self-image, and your self-esteem. Dr. Harry Henshaw will conduct the substance use, addiction, and mental health counseling assessment and evaluation in a secure, online video chat session.
Dr. Harry Henshaw has been a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC), practicing psychotherapist, and a Certified Clinical Supervisor at Enhanced Healing Counseling in Miami, Florida, for over 38 years. Dr. Henshaw has extensive experience working with individuals who are experiencing mental health issues and substance use problems in inpatient, residential programs, and outpatient treatment and counseling centers in Massachusetts, Illinois, and Florida.
In addition to his online counseling and psychotherapy services to our community and globally, Dr. Harry Henshaw also practices hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming (NLP), two powerful healing and treatment modalities. Dr. Henshaw received his Human Development and Counseling doctoral degree from Boston University. All counseling assessments and evaluations are private and completely confidential. The cost of the initial counseling assessment with Dr. Henshaw is only $75.00.
Schedule Your Assessment with Dr. Harry Henshaw Today!
““My name is Caroline. My journey began at Enhanced Healing when I was about a month sober from drugs and alcohol. I was apprehensive about doing intensive out patient, because my previous experiences were, well, the typical clinical program of one on one therapy, finding my triggers, looking at family patterns etc. However, after one day at Enhanced Healing I knew they were doing something very different than the rest.Dr.Harry talked about the power of positivity, and focused on the fact that the center of my issues were my own thinking, and every external factor was a direct result of my skewed perception. We focused on the power of choice. I studied the works of Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Esther Hicks. I kept my mind open , and although at first reluctant, succumbed to the idea that I was in control of my own reality. We watched inspirational and mind-opening films, including The Secret and The Peaceful Warrior. I took notes. I learned to be kind to myself, so that one day I could learn to love myself. I did positive affirmations in the mirror.
What happened during this time at Enhanced, was nothing short of a miraculous internal transformation. I went from a victim, poor me mindset, to an unstoppable force of healing and self-love. This is because I chose to take the suggestions that were given to me and put them to practical use. I believe the work at Enhanced, in combination with a 12 step program, can make any one person feel empowered and whole again, if they so choose.
Fast forward, and I am continuing to expand my knowledge and understanding of reality every day. My spiritual life has unfolded in such a way that it is beyond what can be written through words. I have attracted so much more than internal healing- physical things as well. I got great jobs, formed amazing relationships; I built my life from the ground up. My work an Enhanced was but a beginning, a perspective change. Without it, I would have no idea who I would be today, but I am grateful that my path led me there.
I am grateful beyond words for Dr. Harry Henshaw and Vanessa. They are my family away from home, and I would absolutely put my hand over the fire for them. What they are doing is outside-the-box, innovative and forward thinking. I wish that every suffering soul could have the opportunity to meet and work with them, so they too could learn what is available to everyone if they could open their eyes.” ”
While I am a licensed mental health counselor in the State of Florida, the counseling services that I provide are completely holistic and not traditional in nature. I do not provide traditional counseling, therapy or psychotherapy for those who have mental health or substance abuse problems. My counseling practice is devoted exclusively to providing an alternative method of assisting those that are suffering from mental health or substance use issues. The alternative method that I provide is holistic and is focused exclusively on helping individuals to learn how to develop a positive self-image and good self-esteem by utilizing the work of Louise Hay. The purpose of my counseling service is to assist individuals in learning how to authentically love themselves and as a result find resolution to their issues or problems. In addition, I do not accept insurance for my counseling service, nor do I keep charts on those I work with. If you are wanting a traditional therapist, you will need to look elsewhere as I do not provide that type of service.
Dr. Harry Henshaw
““All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won’t succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.””