Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in drug addiction, alcohol dependence, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.


Improve Your Self-Esteem, Transform Your Life

Dr. Harry Henshaw

Get Help Now 305-498-3442

Online Counseling Sessions available.

Enhanced Healing Counseling

Dr. Harry Henshaw

Counseling Assessments

Dr. Harry Henshaw provides assessments to anyone with substance use, addiction or mental health issues.

Online Counseling

Dr. Harry Henshaw provides holistic outpatient individual, group and couples counseling through online sessions.

Counseling Services

Dr. Harry Henshaw also offers a variety of healing services that help you to transform your mind, body and spirit.

Addiction, Substance Use and Mental Health Counseling

Enhanced Healing Counseling and Dr. Harry Henshaw offers outpatient assessments, online counseling sessions, and a variety of therapeutic health and healing services specially designed to assist and support individuals who are motivated to change and transform their lives but are struggling with drug addiction, alcohol dependence, a substance use problem, or mental health issues like depression, anxiety, stress, emotional trauma or low self-esteem.

Dr. Harry Henshaw is a licensed mental health counselor who has worked in the mental health, addiction, and substance use fields in inpatient hospitals, residential treatment programs, outpatient counseling centers, and clinics in Illinois, Massachusetts, and Florida. Dr. Henshaw earned his Human Development and Counseling doctoral degree from Boston University. Dr. Henshaw has been a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC), Certified Clinical Supervisor, and practicing psychotherapist in Florida for over 38 years.

Dr. Henshaw believes that having a positive self-image and good self-esteem is essential for anyone who wants to experience a healthy and happy life. Dr. Henshaw also believes that the true and only solution to drug addiction, alcohol dependence, substance use problems, and many mental health issues is to learn how to create a positive self-image, experience good self-esteem, and eventually come to love themselves authentically.

Schedule Counseling Session with Dr. Harry Henshaw Today!

A Book by Dr. Harry Henshaw…..

When I started therapy with Harry in 2005 I was in a very dark place feeling hopeless and desperately needing help. I was somewhat aware I had issues with addiction but was clueless why I couldn’t just stop using. I repeatedly found myself in the same situations expecting different results. The one common denominator in all of this? Me. I spent many sessions with Harry complaining and blaming. Over time his intuitive insight, non-reactive nature, stillness and ability to remain consistent, calmed me. He literally responded to my dramas with, “OK.”

At first I felt frustrated. I could not get him to agree with me or to react. In time, I became sick of hearing myself tell the same stories over and over. I slowly began to feel what I was saying was no longer congruent with what I was thinking. Old stories weren’t working anymore. Change was taking place within me. I started to see my role in how I hurt others as well as myself. Harry’s lack of reacting to my dramas forced me to take a much closer look at my self-limiting beliefs.

One of the first books he introduced me to was Louise Hay’s The Power is Within You. This book changed my life. I began to recognize the connections between her teachings and Harry’s approach. He taught me I no longer have to be a victim of my life - I am the only one responsible for my life! Harry opened the door for me to explore a new truth. One that leaves me feeling empowered and liberated instead of victimized and resentful.

It is Harry’s words I go back to, even after fifteen years (and what he continues to teach) that keep me hungry to learn more. He taught me we can literally transform relationships when we transform our thoughts/stories we tell ourselves. Harry continues to do his own inner work and that is why he is an outlier in the field of therapy. He is brilliant, insightful and compassionate and will always be the one who “woke me up to my life!”
— Marcy


“The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination.”
— Dan Millman, Way of the Peaceful Warrior