Table of Contents

The Problem is your thinking

Remember – The real problem of your addictive behavior and mental health issues is that you think you are not good enough and there is a lack of self-love due to your negative thinking about yourself.  Your real problem is in your mind, not your body!

You are Responsible

Remember – You are completely responsible for all your experiences, including your addictive behavior and mental health concerns.  Assume and accept your full and complete responsibility for everything that you think, believe, say, feel, do and experience in life.  You are responsible for everything you experience and that happens in your life!

You choose your experiences

Remember – You choose all your experiences, including your addictive behavior and mental health problems.  Be aware and conscious of all your choices, especially the thoughts that you make or create about yourself every moment of the day and their consequences.  Your choices and decisions determine your life!

Your thoughts create your problems

Remember – You created your addictive behavior and mental health issues by the very thoughts that you choose to think and are responsible for, especially the thoughts and beliefs about yourself, about your value and worth, specifically the thought that you are not good enough.  The cause of your addiction is in your mind, a thought you have about yourself, a thought that you created, not in the body, a thought that keeps telling you are not good enough.

You have the power to change

Remember – You have always had the power to change and transform your life, including your addictive behavior and mental health issues.  You are the cause of your life, not the effect of it.  You are not and never have been a victim.  You have always been doing the best you can and when you learn and know more you will create the possibility of doing different and better for yourself, to live life powerfully and not as a victim.  You are not nor have you ever been a victim!  You have the power to transform!

You are not your thoughts

Remember – You are not your thoughts.  You are something different.  You are responsible for and chose all your thoughts and as such have the power to create other thoughts that are more positive and healthier for you and your life.  You can create positive feeling thoughts for yourself if you choose to do so.  This is the key to your transformation, to believe you have the power to change.

You need to forgive

Remember – You need to release the past and forgive everyone especially yourself which will allow for the possibility of your accessing your inner power to change and transform your life, as well as end your mental health issues and addictive behavior forever.  Remember, your past does not exist but appears to you merely as a thought in memory that can be changed or transformed.

Your power is in the present moment

Remember – Your point of power to transform your life is always in the present moment, not to be found in your past or future.  Your past and your future do not exist, only Now exists!  What you think, believe and do now, in the present moment matters as it determines what you will experience in life.

The solution is to love yourself

Remember– To transform your life and to end your addictive behavior and mental health problems forever will require that you learn how to respect, approve, accept and come to authentically love yourself just as you are now.  This is simple but not easy.   You will need help from others in learning the knowledge necessary to enable you to travel the journey to wisdom.

Change requires commitment

Remember – To change your life and what you experience requires a complete commitment to the transformation of your thoughts and attitude.   Bottom line, especially in the beginning, is to follow all the suggestions of your therapist.  Remember to plan your work and work your plan daily and stay accountable to your therapist as if your life depended upon it, as it does.  Obedience is not only important but crucial to your recovery and transformation!

Dr. Harry Henshaw

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About Enhanced Healing

Enhanced Healing Counseling specializes in addiction recovery, mental health, and self-esteem support. Offering online and in-person services, we empower individuals to transform their lives with personalized care and proven therapeutic methods.